Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Breathing -The Six Sounds & Exercises

We take the way we breathe for granted and in some ways we have "forgotten" to breathe as nature intended. Our breathing has become shallow and minimal. The way we breathe only utilizes the top third of our lungs allowing the remaining air to stagnate and provide an inefficient means of energizing the body with fresh energy. This is displayed by only the top half of our chests expanding when ever we take a deep breath. Yet, when watching a baby breathe we see their stomach expanding. A baby has not yet allowed the bad habits of life to intervene with the way it breathes. But, bad environmental and unnatural living will corrupt the way we breathe and the body will eventually succumb to "bad” breathing. Breathing correctly requires training and awareness of what is happening in our lives. Stress and anxiety also effect the breathing cycle. Below is a brief method that allows one to recondition our breathing habits and to develop "rhythmic breathing". One could also incorporate this into one's meditation to enhance our training and discipline.
I suggest spending a just a few minutes a day at first to understand the requirements and then increasing the time to suit ones needs - as we get use to breathing correctly till eventually it becomes a part of our normal life.
Breathe in slowly through nose with tip of tongue touching roof of mouth, allowing the air to sink into lower abdomen. Exhale slowly through parted lips allowing the tongue to relax. As you exhale imagine the stress and traumas of the day to dispel on your breath. With each intake of breath imagine you recharging you "hara" with new life and energy. Allow this energy to travel to every part of your body. Take a positive attitude and refrain from all negative thoughts. In time develop try and a rhythm, for example inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 2, exhale for 4 and then hold for 2. Do not allow your breathing to become labored as developing a rhythm can be quite difficult. Take your time and slowly you will be able to extend the time and control of your breath.
Another part of developing your breathing and relating it to your training is to include breathing sounds. These will help you to understand the fundamental principles of life and how to develop our inner selves. These will promote better health, both in body and mind.

The Six Sounds
The Lung Sound
Place you tongue behind your closed teeth and with a long slow exhalation, create the sound SSSSSSSSSSS (like the sound of steam coming from a radiator).During each resting period (as you slowly inhale), smile to the lungs. Picture them surrounded by white light and concentrate of feeling the virtue of courage, which is directly related to the lungs energy (This will help balance the positive energy of the lungs).

The Kidney Sound
Form an O with the lips as if preparing to blow out a candle and with a long, slow exhalation produce the sound WOOOOOOOO. During each resting period smile at your kidneys as you picture them surrounded by a light blue color. Feel the virtue of gentleness, which will enhance the positive energy of the kidneys.

The Liver Sound
Place the tongue near the palate and with a long slow exhalation, produce the sound SHHHHHHHH. During each resting period, smile to the liver. Picture it surrounded by a bright green light and feels the virtue of kindness. This will enhance the positive energy of the liver.

The Heart Sound
With the mouth wide open, exhale a deep breath slowly and produce the sound HAWWWWWW. During each resting period, s mile to the heart and picture it surrounded by the color red. Feel love, joy and happiness to enhance the positive energy of the heart.

The Spleen Sound
Again place the tongue near the palate and with a long slow exhalation, produce the sound WHOOOOOOO from the throat, like the sound of an owl. (This is more guttural than the kidney sound). During each resting period, smile at the spleen and picture it surrounded by a bright yellow color. Feel the virtue of fairness, which will enhance the positive energy of the spleen.
The Triple warmer Sound
(Practice this while lying down if possible). With your mouth open, exhale slowly as your produce the sound HEEEEEEEE. During each resting period, try to imagine a huge rolling pin flattening out your body from the forehead down to the toes. This will balance all the other energies activated by the other sounds and will help to relax the body thoroughly.